Organisational Design
Organisational Design, Development and Change
No strategy will succeed unless the structure of an organisation is fully aligned with its intent and objectives. We work with you to ensure that your people, your processes, and the pipes that connect them are best suited for what you’re trying to achieve
Organisational Design
We can assist you to design your optimal organisational structure from the beginning, or re-design it to suit changes in circumstances. We seek to align your structure with your strategic objectives, improving focus, efficiency, and effect.
We first seek to understand and define your existing business processes, workflows, roles, responsibilities, and volumes of work, activities, and resources. We will then design and model new or revised structures and offer plans to manage transitions where necessary.
In a longer-term engagement we can then assist you to implement and monitor your structures as they mature.
Organisational Development
Organisational Development is the planned, comprehensive, and systematic process of improving the overall effectiveness of an organisation. It is not as wide-reaching as organisational design and takes as its starting point the structure that is already in place, working mostly on processes and communications pipelines rather than people.
There is a strong emphasis on organisational behaviour, however, which can impact on the prevailing culture. During an engagement tasked specifically with organisational development, we will understand and analyse your existing structure in line with your declared objectives and intent, before discussing possible adjustments to improve performance.
We can then continue to evaluate performance over time and make recommendations for further improvement with periodic reviews.
Organisational Change
We can help you to ensure that your culture is fully supportive of your vision and objectives, including developing strategies for cultural change. Our approach places prime importance on recognising the importance of human emotions, responses, and relationships in implementing the changes you have decided upon.
As the Harvard Business Review noted in April 2021, 'Despite the vast body of knowledge available to leaders on how to effect lasting, positive organisational change, too many executives continue reaching for the same comfortable levers that consistently miss the mark'.
Our approach to Organisational Change focuses on the reaction and response to implementing changed structures and processes. We put your people at the heart of our work, but also assess the impact of internal change on your wider network and external environment. This makes us different from most change consultants.